From Europe to the world
Kela’s strong home base in Belgium and the UK has formed the stepping stone for exporting to Africa, Asia, Central America and other regions. While our export practice primarily functions through personalised relationships with distributors, we also run our own subsidiary in Mexico. Our solid European profile and expert know-how in production, quality assurance and dealing with the complexity of registrations makes us a preferred partner for many distributors in those regions.
Our distributors are our partners
Distributors primarily look for a business partner with a high quality treatment offering that can help them work through sometimes complex import and customs formalities. We understand the economic importance of livestock to both industrial and smaller-scale farming businesses and the families that make a living of livestock farming. Having the means and experience to provide the right product in the right dose at the right moment is essential to good animal health practices, anywhere in the world. Therefore Kela makes investments in product support, advisory and coaching – both at the level of the distributor, the veterinarian and the farmer.
Our people know what they talk about
Our people in the regions not only know the products they represent, they foremost understand the local challenges farmers are facing. Local climate environments as well as community-based socio-economic conditions have a major impact on how farmers manage their business – and therefore the health of their animals. We at Kela support farmers on different continents with our global expert know-how, translated into a locally relevant approach. This means that our export network reckons with the different product and therapy requirements in different parts of the world. This is also the case in our technical support and coaching efforts on the ground.
What makes us different?
Our unequalled experience
Our people’s background
The value in what we do
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Our portfolio covers a comprehensive range of animal health products.